Washington, DC, September 27, 2023 — Haitian Development Network (HDN), a notable advocate for the socio-economic and cultural advancement of Haiti and its people, has announced the launch of the 3rd issue of its new multilingual cybermedia, the HDNdigest.

This 3rd issue of September 21, 2023, in solidarity with Morocco, in the “New & Noteworthy” section, highlights a major upcoming event for Haitian research, “Valorisation des répertoires musicaux classiques afro-diasporiques” (Valorization of classical Afro-diasporic musical repertoires). This colloquium scheduled to take place in Montreal on September 29 and 30, 2023, will be an exceptional opportunity to discover or rediscover important figures in Haitian art music, from Ludovic Lamothe to Claude Dauphin and David Bontemps, via Werner Jaegerhuber and Carmen Brouard, among others.

Furthermore, this publication is a web of research and information on this Haitian musical art we have a repertoire of scholarly music which dates back to the 19th century, one of the most striking traces of which is the libretto of the vaudeville opera by le Conte de Rosiers, , L’Entrée du Roi, en sa capitale (1818, The Arriving of the King, in His Capital) posted in full in this issue.


Even though, HDNdigest is expressly designed for a diverse readership with an interest in the progress of Haitians and Haitian descendants, within Haiti and in communities worldwide, its chronicles in English, French, Haitian Creole and Spanish on education, economics, finance, health, and science could be very useful for everyone seeking advancements at all levels. Freely available online, HDNdigest ensures easy access for curious people across the globe. “This publication is a significant step for HDN, and we are excited about its launch. We believe in fostering a knowledgeable community that can better support Haiti’s continued growth and advancement,” said Jean Jonassaint, a co-founder and co-editor of the digest.


For more information on the HDNdigest, please contact the co-editors Asselin Charles and Jean Jonassaint @ digest@hdn.org.

See Campaign: https://hdn.org

Contact Information:

co-editors Asselin Charles and Jean Jonassaint @ digest@hdn.org

Googlenews, BNN, Go Media, iCN Internal Distribution, Reportedtimes, Extended Distribution, Research Newswire, English