Friday Plans, an innovative online pharmacy, is revolutionizing ED treatment, making it more affordable and accessible than ever before. The service utilizes cutting-edge technology to provide a seamless, user-friendly experience, from prescription to delivery. And with prices starting from 87 cents per tablet, regardless of dosage, Friday Plans offers significant savings compared to the typical retail price of maximum-strength ED medication, which ranges from $10-40 at other pharmacies.

This article will take a deep dive into Friday Plans, covering the sign-up process, the pros and cons of the service, and seeing what customers have written in Friday Plans reviews.

Signing Up for Friday Plans: How to Get a Free Prescription Online

With the advent of Friday Plans, obtaining a prescription has never been easier. All a prospective customer needs to do is fill out Friday Plans’ online medical questionnaire, which takes a few minutes and can be accessed from any computer, tablet, or smartphone.

The same day a questionnaire is submitted, a doctor in Friday Plans’ network will review the prospective patient’s answers and write a free e-prescription, if appropriate.

Once prescribed, Friday Plans ships the ED medication directly to the patient’s door.

This process offers an efficient, cost-effective, and confidential solution for individuals dealing with ED.

Who Is Friday Plans For?

Friday Plans aims to cater to all men dealing with ED symptoms, provided they reside within the 44 states the company operates in. It’s especially beneficial for those seeking convenient treatment options without visiting traditional medical facilities or pharmacies.

This service is a boon for men residing in rural or remote areas or busy professionals seeking to manage their ED online. It also addresses the discomfort some men may feel discussing their ED in person with a doctor.

The online platform enables users to complete a medical questionnaire reviewed by licensed doctors in their respective states. After assessing the patient’s needs, the doctor may prescribe generic Viagra, which is then shipped directly to the patient’s doorstep.

Friday Plans is an optimal solution for men seeking an affordable ED treatment, as the cost of ED medication from Friday Plans is significantly less than traditional pharmacies. This affordability makes ED treatment more accessible to a broader demographic.

Friday Plans’ Pros and Cons


Convenience: The service offers a discreet and hassle-free process for men to treat their ED, allowing them to complete a medical questionnaire online and have their medication delivered directly to their doorstep. The prescription and shipping are both free of charge.

Affordability: Friday Plans offers ED medication for as little as 87 cents per tablet, regardles of dose. With the lowest prices on the market, Friday Plans makes ED treatment accessible to individuals who may not be able to afford the high cost of medication through traditional pharmacies.

Privacy: Friday Plans is HIPAA-compliant, meaning that all patient information is kept private under federal law and secured with 256-bit encryption. Additionally, the company guarantees confidentiality by shipping medication in plain packaging.

Licensed doctors: Certified doctors: A network of licensed doctors reviews patient medical questionnaires and prescribes medication accordingly.

FDA Approved Medication: By providing only FDA-approved ED medication, Friday Plans ensures the potency and purity of the medication meet the strictest standards. This medication can be trusted to work reliably.

Charity: Friday Plans plants one tree, per member, per month. This commitment has resulted in a flourishing “Friday Plans forest” consisting of over 500,000 trees and counting.

60-Day Money Back Guarantee: Friday Plans offers a 60-day, “no-questions-asked” money back guarantee for all purchases. If a customer is not satisfied with their medication for any reason, they can request a full refund within 60 days of their purchase.


Limited medication options: Friday Plans does not yet offer every type of ED medication.

No in-person consultations: Despite the convenience of the telemedicine service, individuals with complex medical histories might prefer in-person consultations with healthcare providers.

Friday Plans Reviews: What Are Customers Saying?

Friday Plans has garnered numerous positive reviews from customers praising the company’s efficient service, straightforward ordering process, and affordable pricing.

Some commenters were surprised by the quality of the FDA-approved medication, confirming the legitimacy of Friday Plans despite initial skepticism.


Is Friday Plans the Right Choice for You?

Considering the simplicity of the qualification process, which involves a two-minute online questionnaire, and the security of a money-back guarantee, it’s certainly worth exploring Friday Plans and experiencing first hand whether it lives up to its reputation.